This week's doodle is yet another bunch of medallions.
You would think that I would tire of them, but I seem to make them almost incessantly. I think these are notable because the open style, after weeks of heavily blackened images.
It has been snowing here for days. Luckily, we had baking to do for the holidays, and that kept us busy for the last week. But now, all that is left is delivering them, and I am flailing around for something to do.
It is times like this with everybody home and hanging about that I long for an outside studio again. I can't work with everybody here, especially not on the Books and Needles which have ritual associated with them.
I am trying to be graceful about it, and look on this time with family and wintery weather as a gift. I can't get too caught up frustration that I am not working on my art.
There are patterns in the grass made by melting snow. Patterns made by footprints, animal and human (I especially like the little prints made by the birds). Tire tracks of all sorts too. Patterns in the ice on the stairs...
What has caught your eye this past week?