I love my camera phone. Actually, I don't care much for the phone part, but I love having a camera in my pocket. Yesterday, I downloaded all the pictures I randomly snap as I wander around on my walks.
All of these things interest me enough to take a picture. As a group they say something about what strikes my fancy and inspires my art.
Cement is the opposite of dainty. I always think of it as strong, utilitarian and plain. Look at the strength inherent in this pile of blocks.
And yet, look how lovely and lace-like these examples are. I really like the patterns that are made with common cider blocks.
I love this fence, with it's interlocking circles. Isn't it gorgeous?
Look at the rhythmic pattern created by this tile roof. We don't have too many of them up here.
I would love to see a structure built of these circle in a square blocks. Plus, there is a lovely bit of an old wire fence (Oh yeah, you can click on any of these pictures to see a bigger, better picture.) behind it. It is made of narrow loops. That is so much better than your basic chain link fence.
I have never seen another fence with these curlique, or wave pattern, which is right out of Patterns People Have Made Since Antiquity 101.
I wish I could have gotten further away so you could see the entire thing, but this fence is on a narrow alley, and I was as backed up against the fence behind it as I could get. There is a lot of patterning going on in one small fence.
I like the divison of space here in this doorway. Look at the lines and hapes made by the combination of trim, the security door, and the glass bricks. Very pleasing.
I also like the railing on this porch with the pillars and the framed space of the window. Look at the way the light seen from the window echos the curve on the pillars.
This fence, just needs to be seen, it's got everything!
And finally, the rusting railing of the railroad bridge. I like the composition created by the combination of the various fencing.