Another image from my show, and no, I don't remember the name! (She hangs her head, totally embarrassed.)
I know I have said that I think all Artist Statements Suck, and I include my own in this category. Nonetheless, they are mandatory, and I have written one for this body of work. They do nothing for me, but perhaps you will find it illuminating, or at least, interesting.
‘Growing Myself ‘
Time passes, seasons change and people come and go in your life. Such is the stuff of ordinary life.
Through the stories we tell, we try to make sense of it all. Mythic losses are the reflection of larger seasonal cycles of loss, yearning, quest and attainment. We repeat this cycle many times throughout our lives.
The dreams we have for ourselves start with a passion, a burning desire for something. The heart is passion’s first forge, and from there we build what we can out of our lives. It is the deepest and truest part of myself that I draw and paint.
I doodle constantly, and the imagery is consistent. I believe that doodles are the drawing version of dreams. I have endless pages of flowers, seeds, and stars. Endless repeating patterns, in which I find the truth of myself and the world around me.
These paintings of breaking free and beginning anew, are inspired by my doodles, which show what my heart really desires and who I really am.
There is plowing, there is sowing,
There is all kinds of growing,
There is good luck forever.
-from The Kavala, a Finnish epic poem,
translated by Keith Bosley